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 Kingdom of loathing

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Nombre de messages : 86
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2007

Kingdom of loathing Empty
MessageSujet: Kingdom of loathing   Kingdom of loathing EmptyJeu 17 Juil - 16:36

Un jeu MMORPG sur le net, assez semblable a D&D mixé avec munchkin. Aucune download nécessaire, les pires ordinateurs pourrons y jouer!

Vous ètes un aventurier dans le royaume et votre but est de sauver le roi, choissisez une classe entre:
* Seal Clubber - Seal Clubbers hail from the frigid Northlands, because one character class always hails from the frigid Northlands. They rely on their Muscle to survive.
* Turtle Tamer - The Turtle Tamer's mystical connection with his terrapin brethren imbues him with great power. He excels at moving very slowly and winning footraces with smug satisfaction. His Muscle is the key to his success, and to his long lifespan.
* Pastamancer - With his mastery of the arcane secrets of Noodlecraft, the Pastamancer is a force to be reckoned with. He relies on his Mysticality to get ahead in the world.
* Sauceror - Long engaged in an uneasy truce with the Pastamancers, the guild of Saucerors protects the secrets of the Ancient Brotherhood of Gravymakers. Their Mysticality is their most important attribute.
* Disco Bandit - The Disco Bandit boogies to and fro, hither and yon. Whence comes he? No man knows. Whither strikes he next? All men live in fear of him and his Moxie.
* Accordion Thief - The scourge of mariachis and polka bands, the Accordion Thieves have plied their malign craft since time out of mind. Their Moxie serves them well in both their adventures and their interactions with "the ladies."

Des armes et armures original, le premier jeu a donner du sens au looting!
Si vous étiez tanné de trouver des pièces d'or sur les animaux que vous tuez, maintenant, trouvez de la viande (monnaie en cours dans le royaume!)

Joignez ce jeu superbe! Et si vous aimez, je vous invite a joindre ma guilde: Dark side of the force!
(nous avons des biscuits)
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Nombre de messages : 86
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2007

Kingdom of loathing Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kingdom of loathing   Kingdom of loathing EmptyJeu 17 Juil - 16:44

The Kingdom of Loathing is a humorous, satirical, and most importantly free MMORPG created by Asymmetric Publications (Zack "Jick" Johnson and Josh "Mr. Skullhead" Nite). Born on January 31st, 2003 almost as a joke, it is notable for the usage of simple stick figure graphics, surreal gameplay, and its slogan, "An Adventurer is You!".

KoL is currently in open beta -- it's open to the public to play, but it's not quite finished. More features and things to do are being added on a nearly daily basis. Despite its unfinished state, it has already attracted a thriving community of interesting, intelligent, and helpful players.

KoL is, and always will be, free to play, but donations are appreciated and rewarded.

KoL is played from the comfort of your browser, and is adorned with a staggering array of stunning hand-drawn images. It is turn-based, which means you get a certain number of turns (Adventures) each day.

The description could go on forever, encompassing the economy of KoL, the events, the scandals. And maybe even the gameplay, if we have time. But really, the only way to find out what the Kingdom of Loathing is like is to play it, or as the case may be obsessively read this Wiki.
[edit] Storyline

The Kingdom of Loathing was once a pleasant place, where all the citizens loathed one another equally and nobody caused too much trouble. Under the gentle rule of King Ralph XI, peace had prevailed for as long as anybody could remember.

One fateful Porktober morning, a Sorceress came to the Kingdom. A Naughty Sorceress. A Naughty Sorceress who was clearly up to no good, and even more clearly up to plenty of bad. King Ralph sought to expel the Naughty Sorceress from his Kingdom, but she imprismed him in a black crystalline shard of curdled magic. It was very dramatic.

Monsters emerged from their hidey-holes to terrorize the citizens of Loathing, and larger monsters emerged from larger hidey-holes to terrorize those monsters, all under the control of the Naughty Sorceress.

In the King's absence, the Council of Loathing convened to attempt to impose order on the Kingdom. Their success was limited, however, to imposing their will on adventurers who came to the Kingdom seeking fame, fortune, or quality products at reasonable prices. And as you've probably guessed by now, one of those adventurers is you!
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